Thursday, 23 April 2020

High Waisted Jeans are a must for Ostomy

Anxiety is a real and difficult problem for the average person in the United States.  Take that normal anxiety and see the billion of dollars spent on this issue every year.  It can be a debilitating problem that needs more than counseling and it is even higher felt for individuals who have had an ostomy.  Feeling the worry and fear that comes with something going wrong or someone noticing your ostomy bag is heart wrenching.  Yes, I know that I am a confident person and that I am able and capable of handling any situation that arrives, but I still feel anxiety over it.  So what are some things that can lower that anxiety without pharmaceuticals or counseling? To be honest its dressing correctly is a huge boost to my self esteem and confidence.  It keeps my anxiety low if I know that my clothes look good and wont give me away or cause leaks or issues with my Ostomy supplies. 

So my advice is you get yourself a pair of hIgh Waisted Jeans.  I know this sounds silly, but its not. How you look, and how you feel are very important and I believe even more so when you have a Ostomy Supplies bag that you have to carry around every day.  It’s important to have clothes that work with you.  High Waisted Jeans take the actual needs of keeping the bag safe without getting crushed and possibly causing leaks.

So what are some of my favorite brands that work with me and my body with my stoma? Well any of the top brands at TJ Max works for me.  WHAT? I mean it, it doesn’t matter, just find a nice high waisted jean brand that works for your body.  Our bodies are so different, and we must look confident in the brands we think look the best. Not what works for someone else. 

Remember there are also lots of different kind of fits depending on your waist.  Loose fit, is a big winner in my book, because its not super tight on the waist.  You can always sinch with a belt, but having a little wiggle room is a win.  Book cut is a must if you are heading down south and want to take advantage of the local looks.  Nothing is more fun than trying on alagator skinned boots and looking great in them. 

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